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Price Checker

High-end Price checker scanners are now available in Pakistan at PC Technologies. It can be integrated with any Point of Sale system software. PC Technologies is providing the best prices for Price Checker Scanner hardware in Pakistan.


Importing product data via API from your E-commerce platform or in a csv, excel or xml file.


Product data is then mapped with your chosen competitors automatically in the tool.


Our tool then fetches the price and stock of your competitors instantly.

What is GEN Price

GENTEC introduced GENPRICE, which is a price checker tool that allows you to check the increase or decrease in the prices of products. It recognizes the price and allows one to start checking the price of the products in one click.

To check a price, one needs to open a product in which one is interested in, click the “Check Price” button and select a block with a price. One can see all the pricings, the history of changes, configure filters or delete unnecessary prices in the watch list.

It incorporates, real time competitor analysis, keep track of your competition, price and stock change alerts. It offers plug-n-play operation where the user do not have to face any hassle in turning on and turning off it, it is integrated with the system where it gets automated. It can be connected and synchronized with any current and brought-to-be software.

Features of GEN Price

Live Price and Stock Update

Get live price and stock updates of your competitors in fractions of a second with just one click at your desired time.

Product Mapping

Price Checker team understands the comfort of clients to map their products to categories for easy research and knowing the hierarchy of your product.

Radius Targeting

The client can target a specific location for competitors and set the price of products in accordance with competitors in that particular area.

Different Regional Competitors

With price checker Device, our clients will be able to check the price competition for their products in different territories.

Bookmark Major Products

Customers can bookmark important products for easy navigation from any page inside the tool.

Custom Labels

Group similar products into one category and keep an eye on those products separately.

Price History

Review the historical price of products ranging from days to months to years and make better pricing decisions for your business.

Red Flag

Aids in better assessment of competitor performance by alerting you when a competitor runs out of stock for a particular product, if you have the lowest selling price across competition as well as vice versa and much more.

Vendor Mapping

One step ahead of product mapping, vendor mapping is beneficial to clients aiding to gain multiple vendors details (if any) for their products, resulting in easy purchasing decisions based on price, location and inventory.